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Are Feminists Finally Noticing That the Men Have Left the Building?

Zack Says:
February 20th, 2012 at 11:43 pm
Hi  MidoriLei,

I went through a divorce last year and it has been a while since I was in the “dating game” so I feel very uncomfortable approaching women. For the last month I have spotted a woman at my gym who I am very attracted to. I go pretty much the same time every night and I always seem to see her working out. Now I remember this woman from my highschool but I have never actually talked to her. We make eye contact several times and maybe even a few grins. Occasionally I will look up and see her looking at me and then quickly look away. Everytime I try to get the courage to go up to her, I chicken out. So my questions…

A) My main fear is not so much rejection but having nothing else to say after introducing myself, how do I overcome this?

B) Being that we attended the same school it seems I have a perfect intro…something like “Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you, but did we graduate together? You just look so familiar. I’m Zack.” Is this a good intro or should I be bolder and cut right to asking her out?

Thank you for your advice.

db Says: