20 Words That Start With S That Are Positive

Serenity - calmness and peace of mind.
Success - achievement of a desired outcome or goal.
Sunshine - the light and warmth of the sun.
Smile - an expression of happiness or amusement.
Support - providing assistance or encouragement.
Strength - the quality of being strong or powerful.
Synergy - the combined power of a group working together.
Satisfaction - the feeling of contentment or fulfillment.
Security - the state of being safe and protected.
Sparkle - to shine or twinkle with bright points of light.
Serendipity - the occurrence of fortunate events by chance.
Savor - to enjoy or appreciate something fully.
Self-esteem - confidence in one's own worth or abilities.
Sweetness - the quality of being sweet or pleasant.
Superb - of the highest quality or excellence.
Spectacular - strikingly impressive or dramatic.
Sincere - genuine and honest.
Successive - happening or following one after the other.
Sensational - causing great excitement or interest.
Splendid - magnificent, excellent or impressive.

This sheet of positive s words was compiled by 365 Days of Positivity.