Posted: Apr 22nd, 2011 at 11:05 am 8
He’s a sponsored semi pro skater and he’s this unlucky? I don’t know, but that seems a bit off. There are tonnes of women (skaters or hangers on) on the skate circuit. The has to be at least one or two that will give him a chance.
If the email is all true, that’s truly sad. Hey kiddo, Teagan and Athol have some good advice. Take them up on it.
AvatarAnon? 76
Posted: Apr 24th, 2011 at 5:33 pm 9
Best advice. Stop chasing girls/women. In those instances you probably over compensate and make a muck of it.
Be comfortable in your own skin. Know your strengths and weaknesses, as you seem to do, but don’t apologize for them. A good sense of self goes a long way in attracting like-minded women.
Posted: May 2nd, 2011 at 1:44 am 10
I’m the same, so it’s possible.
I’m 34 and I’ve never even asked a woman on a date or kissed anyone.