I have enjoyed watching my son learn to cook – he and his gf often help me at the holidays now. It’s just a good life skill.
29Susan Walsh August 9, 2012 at 5:41 pm
Why exactly are these things considered politically incorrect?
Because women are taught not to go looking for a man, trying to get an MRS degree, and not to serve a man’s needs. Almost everything on this list was either omitted or discouraged when I learned about relationships growing up.
Female narcissism has increased rapidly under feminism – there’s a prevalent attitude of “What’s in it for me? I want to be treated like a princess,” etc.
The irony is that a woman gets her own emotional needs met when she fulfills another person’s needs. That’s also true in friendship and parenting. We need to make it OK for women to dedicate themselves to pleasing their mates as a way of ultimately pleasing themselves. More giving, and less taking. And more assumption of personal risk – back to the idea that it’s the woman’s job to escalate emotionally.
30Just a thought August 9, 2012 at 5:41 pm
Susan, thank you, this is information that a lot of girls don’t really get. I’m especially curious about the part where you bring your “A game” to your partner. At the risk of sounding stupid, are you supposed to not bitch to your partner about your problems? Are you supposed to try and seem happy always? Are you saying that there is a middle line between always being happy and being a terrible bitch? If so, how would this look like? What’s the correct amount of bitching?
Ramble, um, nowadays women want to become doctors/engineers and so on. If women can find time to have high powered jobs and raise children or carry pregnancies, then I think men should also learn how to cook. I think both sexes ought to be able to cook.
31Hope August 9, 2012 at 5:43 pm
Susan, I love this list! It’s a great follow-up to the emotional escalation post.
I try to meet all of these points with my husband, which has helped make our marriage harmonious.
About the shared interests: so many young guys play video games nowadays that I think it’s worthwhile for girls to look into it.
32Susan Walsh August 9, 2012 at 5:46 pm
I would add to your list, “Don’t obsess on past relationships.” If you are satisfied with your partner’s character, don’t worry about/be jealous over past partners.