that’s my opinion and all of you are entitled to yours even if I don’t agree with it
we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
1. April 2, 2010 at 12:43 pm
lemadash says:
I am a white woman that dates out of her race. However, I don’t fault those that prefer to date within their race. As long as no one tells me who I should date, I don’t tell them who they should date. I think we’re attracted to who we’re attracted to, and shouldn’t have to explain it or defend it. I prefer darker skin, not because I dislike my own race of people, but I just find darker skin tones to be attractive! I don’t see it as racist against white men, but an attraction to brown men.
2. April 2, 2010 at 1:46 pm
Jason Moriarty says:
“reply rate of non-white males is 48.1%, while white guys’ is only 40.5%.” … just a small detail, but I get 47.4%, from the column-wise figures. Shouldn’t an avg of split-avg’s be the same as avg of the pop?
3. April 2, 2010 at 3:40 pm
Gina says:
Mickey… you’re a prime example of why many white women now do date outside of our race. It’s white men like you that honestly, deep inside, believe there’s something superior about being white! Who wants to date someone with a superiority complex? No one I know. It’s 2010, come on… evolve with the rest of the human race!